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Lucretia Bowman gives motivational speaking the right twist by utilizing biblical principles and scripture to inspire audiences to have the courage to change! Sharing her personal testimony of how God took her from the jailhouse to His house and from destruction to reconstruction, Lucretia allows the power of God to work through her to transform lives.


Lucretia was placed in foster care at birth and did not meet her biological mother until she was an adult. She was victimized as a child, abused, placed in a mental hospital, and became a runaway. Believing she was invincible, that no one cared, and searching for love and acceptance, she turned to a life of drugs and crime. This destructive lifestyle led to her being banished from the state of Ohio and incarcerated in state prisons.


Through surrendering her life to Jesus Christ, she learned to embrace the process of change. As a result, Lucretia and her husband became the founders of Having The Courage To Change Ministry, which includes the New Beginnings House, Eve House, and Ruth & Naomi House, which are holistic housing programs for women who desire to change after experiencing addiction, incarceration, abuse, or other destructive situations.


Lucretia continues to grow the recovery process through the leadership of all City Gospel Mission Recovery Services which includes the Exodus program that serves men in the recovery and discovery process. Also, the program of Living Hope serves as community support for women and men.


Lucretia resides in Cincinnati with her husband, Charles, their two sons, daughter, and grandson.

Connecting people through effective partnerships

Who am I?  What am I doing with my life?  Do you ever ask yourself these questions?  

If so,  I would like to help you discover your true identity.  

For years I had no direction.  

I had no plan or purpose for my life.

One day, through a divine encounter, I wanted more.  Clarity and opportunities opened for me when I found the courage to ask for help.

My challenge to you is to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change.  You will uncover your authentic self.

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